Monday, July 6, 2009

morning ABCs

Elias' "reading" ability amazed me yet again this morning. Is this just the mom in me, or is he really quite unusually advanced for his age?

After hosting a Madison Single Moms by Choice BBQ last night (which was great!), I didn't clean up a whole lot, so toys are everywhere even more than usual. After being awoken at 5:54am by Elias' clapping, this time accompanied by "Elwo? Elwo?" ('Hello'), I changed his diaper and was led out, stumbling, to a living room strewn with wooden alphabet blocks. While I fiddled with the remote, waiting for PBS to begin its broadcast day which just might enable me to go back to bed for 1/2 hour, Elias plopped himself down in the midst of the blocks. In quick succession, he handed me blocks while confidently declaring the letter on each of them: D! L! M! P! S! F! D! O! M! (OK, that last one was really a W, but that totally counts). The only one he got wrong was mistaking an E for F. He was very proud of himself, and I am too. Have I mentioned that he's a genius?

BTW, I was able to snatch another 20 minutes in bed. That was nice. Another little bonus this morning was on the way to daycare, only about a mile from home. I had his window down and he was loving the warm wind in his face, laughing, squealing, & giggling and thrashing head, arms and legs in delight: an irresistable pictue of unbounded joy. For both of us.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the mess! I think the wooden blocks were from Jacob. We all had a great time though.
