Saturday, May 8, 2010

I can't do it

This is not a happy post.  We're going on over 2 hrs now of trying to get Elias to take a nap.  He really needs one and even complained that he was "so sleepy."  Yet he won't stay in bed.  His longest stint has been about 5 minutes, and that only at first.  Now he's up the second I'm out of sight.  I'm at the end of my rope trying everything I can think of.  For the first 1.5 hr or so it was just wordlessly, emotionlessly returning him to bed.  I've also tried just locking him in there and ignoring the banging, which then turned to playing w any noisy toy he could find.  Unfortunately, he can reach the light and doornob now.  One of the best ones is locking myself in my room and feigning sleep, but he can still break in and climb on me to tell me he's awake.  He's lost his toys and our planned cookie-making session--lots of tears, but still won't stay down.  I actually counted the tears as a minor victory for me, as most of this he just views as a huge fun game.  It's infuriating.  And now rather than accomplish lots of housework while he was in bed I'm too exhasted to do anything, and myself need a nap.  Help!

1 comment:

  1. M's been having trouble with this same thing for about the past month. He will sleep for at least 2 hours once I can get him to lay down and be quiet. He was actually sent home from daycare for an afternoon one day for refusing to lay down and creating such a scene he was disturbing the school age kids in the basement! I don't have much advice. I just keep taking privileges away. I vaguely remember Jacob going through something similar but not this extreme. Hopefully since Elias and Jacob are about the same age it is just a phase they will outgrow soon. I don't remember when Jacob got better about napping but he did. Which is great. I need the break also.
